29 Juni 2008

Apa itu Carding

Kemarin ada seorang Vneter bertanya tentang carding kepada saya (jadi ingat kisah lalu) ;D lalu saya menerangkan sedikit pengetahuan saya tentang carding (carder) kepadanya lebih kurang seperti ini…

Carding, sebuah ungkapan mengenai aktivitas berbelanja secara maya (lewat komputer), dengan menggunakan, berbagai macam alat pembayaran yang tidak sah. pada umumnya carding identik dengan transaksi kartu kredit, dan pada dasarnya kartu kredit yang digunakan bukan milik si carder tersebut akan tetapi milik orang lain.

apa yang terjadi ketika transaksi carding berlangsung, tentu saja sistem pembayaran setiap toko atau perusahaan yang menyediakan merchant pembayaran mengizinkan adanya transaksi tersebut. seorang carder tinggal menyetujui dengan cara bagaimana pembayaran tersebut di lakukan apakah dengan kartu kredit, wire transfer, phone bil atau lain sebagainya.

cara carding (sepengetahuan saya) sebagai berikut:
1. mencari kartu kredit yang masih valid, hal ini dilakukan dengan mencuri atau kerjasama dengan orang-orang yang bekerja pada hotel atau toko-toko gede (biasanya kartu kredit orang asing yang disikat). atau masuk ke program MIRC (chatting) pada server dal net, kemudian ke channel #CC, #Carding, #indocarder, #Yogyacarding,dll. nah didalamnya kita dapat melakukan trade (istilah “tukar”) antar kartu kredit (bila kita memiliki kartu kredit juga, tapi jika tidak punya kartu kredit, maka dapat melakukan aktivitas “ripper” dengan menipu salah seorang yang memiliki kartu kredit yang masih valid).

2. setelah berhasil mendapatkan kartu kredit, maka carder dapat mencari situs-situs yang menjual produk-produk tertentu (biasanya di cari pada search engine). tentunya dengan mencoba terlebih dahulu (verify) kartu kredit tersebut di site-site porno (hal ini disebabkan karena kartu kredit tersebut tidak hanya dipakai oleh carder tersebut). jika di terima, maka kartu kredit tersebut dapat di belanjakan ke toko-toko tersebut.

3. cara memasukan informasi kartu kredit pada merchant pembayaran toko adalah dengan memasukan nama panggilan (nick name), atau nama palsu dari si carder, dan alamat aslinya. atau dengan mengisi alamat asli dan nama asli si empunya kartu kredit pada form billing dan alamat si carder pada shipping adress. (mudahkan?…..)

jenis kartu kredit:
1. asli didapatkan dari toko atau hotel (biasa disebut virgin CC)
2. hasil trade pada channel carding
3. hasil ekstrapolet (penggandaan, dengan menggunakan program C-master 4, cardpro, cardwizard, dll), softwarenya dapat di Download disini: Cmaster4, dan cchecker (jika ada yang ingin mengetahui CVV dari kartu tersebut)
4. hasil hack (biasa disebut dengan fresh cc), dengan menggunakan tekhnik jebol ASP
5. dengan memanfaatkan mbah google atow kepintaran anda sendiri :P (pure CC)

Contoh kartu kredit (ini hanya contoh lo!):

First Name* Judy
Last Name* Downer
Address* 2057 Fries Mill Rd
City* Williamstown
State/Province* NJ
Zip* 08094
Phone* ( 856 )881-5692
E-mail* serengeti@erols.com
Payment Method Visa
Card Number 4046446034843451
Exp. Date 5/04

(Tapi kegiatan semacam ini merupakan tindakan kriminalitas dan untuk saat ini carding sangat sulit untuk dilakukan, apalagi pengiriman barang/paket hasil carding beralamatkan/dialamatkan ke negara indonesia) Piiisss ah…. :P

Canon Waste Ink Tank Reset Procedures

Waste Ink Counter Reset.
(1) Turn off the printer.
(2) Press and hold the RESUME button, then press and hold the POWER button.
(3) Release the RESUME button, Next press and release the RESUME button two(2) more times in
succession. Note: you are still holding the POWER button). The printer's carriage will "reset"
or move momentarily. If the above was properly performed the printer will enter the
"Service Mode".
(4) Press the RESUME button 4 times, this will select the clear waste ink counter function. The lamp
will alternate (change) color with each key press.
1. Service/Factory test printout, including ink sensor check.
2. EEPROM - Info printout.
3. EEPROM - Initialization.
4. Reset the Waste ink counter.
5. Printer model setting. (More selections beyond this point - However it is best leave them unaltered - You have been warned!)
After selecting the desired mode (eg 4), press the POWER button to "set" the change, and return to the top of the function selection menu. Press the POWER button again to restart the printer.

Canon i320, i255
Waste Ink Counter Reset.
Step 1 : Manual for service mode
1. Unplug power and USB.
2. Open door and hold power button.
3. Connect power.
4. Close door, then release power button.
or Step 1: Manual for service mode
1. Turn off the printer. And disconnect the printer cable.
2. Press and hold the POWER button, turn on the printer.
3. The indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
4. Press and release the RESUME button , the indicator (L.E.D.) should be orange.
5. Press and release the RESUME button again, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
6. Release both buttons.
step 2 : Software for Permanant
1. Reconnect the printer cable.
2.Open General Tools software and select (USB PORT)
3 .Choose (SET DESTINATION 1) And it should be reset.
Remark "After service mode Pls use software for permanent reset"

Canon PIXMA iP1000
Waste Ink Counter Reset.
Step 1: Manual for Service mode
1. Unplug power and USB.
2. Open door and hold power button.
3. Connect power.
4. Close door, then release power button.
step 2 : Software for Permanant
1. Reconnect the printer cable.
2.Open General Tools software and select (USB PORT)
3 .Choose (SET DESTINATION 1) And it should be reset.
Remark "After service mode Pls use software for permanent reset"

Canon PIXMA iP1500
Waste Ink Counter Reset.
Step 1: Manual for Service mode
1. Unplug power and USB.
2. Open door and hold power button.
3. Connect power.
4. Close door, then release power button.
step 2 : Software for Permanant
1. Reconnect the printer cable.
2.Open General Tools software and select (USB PORT)
3 .Choose (SET DESTINATION 1) And it should be reset.
Remark "After service mode Pls use software for permanent reset"

Canon i850, i950, S600
Start with the printer OFF
1. Hold down RESUME and then hold down POWER
2. release RESUME
3. press RESUME twice, then release POWER
4. Let green light blink until printer is done futzing
Select function with RESUME press POWER to execute:
presses - light color - function
Number of presses - light color - function
0 presses - green - Test print (or exit service mode on i960)
1 press - orange - EEPROM info print (plus grid nozzle diagnostic on i960)
2 presses - green - EEPROM initialize
3 presses - orange - Reset waste ink counter

Canon S450 Printer
1: Power off printer
2: Hold Resume button then press and hold POWER, the beeper will sound once.
3: Hold POWER and release RESUME
4: Press RESUME twice
5. Release Power button
6: When the indicator lights steady, press RESUME three(3) times. The indicator should be orange.
7: Press Power to set data

Canon BJC 1000 Serie
1: Remove Cartridge
2: Unplug the AC Power Cord
3: Hold down the RESUME button
4: Release RESUME after plugging in the AC Power cord.
5: Press the RESUME once within 5 seconds and release the RESUME .
6: Press and HOLD RESUME for two seconds or more and release it.
7: Press and HOLD RESUME for two seconds or more and release it.
8: Unplug AC Power Cord to set data.

Canon BJC-2000 BJC-2100 Serie
1: Remove the Cartridge
2: Unplug the AC Power Cord
3: Close Front access panel
3: Hold down the RESUME/RESET button and plug in the AC power cord
4: Release RESUME/RESET after plugging in the AC Power cord.
5: Press the RESUME/RESET once within 5 seconds and release the RESUME/RESET .
6: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
7: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
8: Unplug AC Power Cord to set data.

Canon BJC-210 BJC-240 BJC-250 BJC-255 BJC-265
Canon BJC-4100 BJC-4200 BJC-4300 BJC-4400 BJC-4550 BJC-4650
Unplug Power Cord
Hold POWER and RESUME buttons
Plug in Power Cord
Release buttons
Open front door of printer
Hold the CARTRIDGE and RESUME buttons
Release all buttons after the beeps
Press CARTRIDGE once

Canon BJC-5000
1: Power off printer
2: Press and hold RESUME then press POWER, The indicator will start blinking.
3: While the indicator is blinking , Press RESUME twice then Wait until the printer beeps to indicate service mode
5: When the indicator lights steady GREEN, press RESUME four(4)times. The indicator should be GREEN.
6: Press Power to set data
Service Test Print
1: Power off printer
2: Press and hold RESUME then press POWER, The indicator will start blinking.
3: While the indicator is blinking , Press RESUME twice then Wait until the printer beeps to indicate service mode
5: When the indicator lights steady GREEN, press RESUME two(2)times. The indicator should be GREEN.
6: Press Power to Print
Nozzle Print
1: Power off printer
2: Press and POWER, until the printer beeps and release.
Demonstration Print
1: While the printer in ON, Press and hold RESUME until the printer plays a melody of beeps.

Canon BJC-5100
Self Test
Switch Printer off. Hold Power for 1 beep.
Waste Counter Reset
1: Power off printer
2: Press and hold RESUME then press POWER, The indicator will start blinking.
3: While the indicator is blinking , Press RESUME twice then Wait until the printer beeps to indicate service mode
5: When the indicator lights steady GREEN, press RESUME four(4)times. The indicator should be GREEN.
6: Press Power to set data
Service Test Print
1: Power off printer
2: Press and hold RESUME then press POWER, The indicator will start blinking.
3: While the indicator is blinking , Press RESUME twice then Wait until the printer beeps to indicate service mode
5: When the indicator lights steady GREEN, press RESUME two(2)times. The indicator should be GREEN.
6: Press Power to Print
Nozzle Print
1: Power off printer
2: Press and POWER, until the printer beeps and release.
Demonstration Print
1: While the printer in ON, Press and hold RESUME until the printer plays a melody of beeps.

Canon BJC-3000 BJC-6000 BJC-6100 BJC-6200 S400 S450 F300 F600 F620
Canon BJC-7000 BJC-7100 BJC-8000 BJ-F800 i6500

1: Power off printer
2: Hold Resume button then press and hold POWER, the beeper will sound once.
3: Hold POWER and release RESUME
4: Press RESUME twice
5: When the indicator lights steady, press RESUME three(3) times. The indicator should be orange.
6: Press Power to set data

Canon BJC-600 BJC-600e BJC-610 BJC-620
1: Unplug Power Cord
2: Hold POWER and FF and Print Mode buttons
3: Plug in Power Cord
4: Release after the beeps

Canon BJC-50 BJC-55 BJC-80 BJC-85 M40 M70
1: Unplug Power Cord
2: Hold POWER and RESUME buttons
3: Plug in Power Cord
4: Release buttons after the printers starts up
6: Press POWER
7: Release all buttons after the beeps
8: Press CARTRIDGE 16 times
9: Press RESUME
10: Unplug the Power cord

Canon BJ-30 BJC-35v BJC-70
F14 Error Reset
1: Unplug adapter
2: Hold POWER
3: Plug in ADAPTER
4: Release POWER after printer starts
5: Hold FF and MENU and press POWER
6: Release after beeps
7: Press <> Cartridge until 1A is displayed
8: Press ONLINE
9: Press POWER to shutoff printer
10: Unplug printer then re-plug printer

Canon BJ F900, F890, F700, F500, S900, S820, S750 and S520
Turn off the printer.
Press and hold the RESUME button, then press and hold the POWER button.
Release the RESUME button, then press and release the RESUME button two more times in succession. (youre still holding the POWER button during this). The printer mechanics will move momentarily.
You are now in Service mode.
Pressing the RESUME key will select a function; for example, pressing RESUME 4 times will select the clear waste ink counter function. The lamp will alternate color with each key press.
1. service/factory test printout, including ink sensor check
2. EEPROM info printout
3. EEPROM initialization
4. Clear the waste-ink counter
5. Printer model setting. (more selections beyond this- leave this alone)
After selecting mode, press the POWER button to commit the change, and return to the top of the function selection menu. Pressing the POWER button again turns off the printer for a resta

Canon S9000, S300, S400, i550, i560, i850, i860, i865, i9100, i9950, PIXMA iP3000 above,
1. Turn off printer
2. Hold down Resume button and press Power button.
3. Keep holding down Power button and let Resume button go.
4. Press Resume button 2 times then let BOTH buttons go.
5. Green lights will flash and then stop blinking.
6. When green lights are solid, press the Resume button 4 times.
7. Press the Power button and the printer should turn off, if not, press the Power button once more.
8. Your printer should respond as normal.

Canon S900, S820, S750, S520
1. Turn off the printer.
2. Press and hold the RESUME button, then press and hold the POWER button.
3. While still holding the POWER button, Release the RESUME button, then press and release the RESUME button two more times in succession.
4. The printer mechanics will move momentarily. You are now in Service mode. Release the Power Button.
5. Pressing the RESUME key will select a function; for example, pressing RESUME 4 times will select the clear waste ink counter function. The lamp will alternate color with each key press.

1. Service/factory test printout, including ink sensor check
2. EEPROM info printout
3. EEPROM initialization
4. Clear the waste-ink counter
5. Printer model setting. (more selections beyond this- leave this alone)

6. After selecting mode, press the POWER button to commit the change, and return to the top of the function selection menu. Pressing the POWER button again turns off the printer for a restart.

Canon S9000
1. Turn off printer
2. Hold down Resume button and press Power button.
3. Keep holding down Power button and let Resume button go.
4. Press Resume button 2 times then let BOTH buttons go.
5. Green lights will flash and then stop blinking.
6. When green lights are solid, press the Resume button 4 times.
7. Press the Power button and the printer should turn off, if not, press the Power button once more.
8. Your printer should respond as normal.

Canon MPC190
Reset Waste Ink
By pressing Menu, Copy, Scan, Copy, Copy
2) Select TEST MODE.
3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Select 0. [INK COUNT].
6) Press the [Set] key.
7) Press the [Stop/Reset] key (returning to the state of 3)), and then press the [ON/OFF] key.

15 Juni 2008


Seseorang yg telah "pergi" pernah menuliskan sebuah coretan kecil didalam buku hariannya.
"Kematian bukanlah sebuah akhir, akan tetapi ia adalah sebuah awal dari suatu kehidupan.
Yang pergi takkan kembali, yang ditinggal jangan terlalu berlarut dengan kesedihan dan kepiluan.

...apabila suatu kehidupan diciptakan, maka tertulislah karma kematian untuknya. Dan begitu juga sebaliknya."
( Oktober 2002 )

07 Juni 2008

Berpikir Holographic

Berpikir Holographic adalah cara berpikir dengan menggunakan seluruh fasilitas yang ada di dalam otak. Caranya adalah dengan merekam objek yang akan dibahas ke dalam gambaran visual di dalam otak dan memunculkannya secara imajiner di hadapan kita. Berpikir secara ini sangat membutuhkan energi dan konsentrasi yang besar, karena otak akan dipaksa untuk bekerja keras memecahkan masalah dan memunculkan solusi baru, juga menggunakan alam bawah sadar sebagai salah satu fasilitas nya.

Kita dapat memprogramkan solusi apapun ke dalam otak kita dan dapat dimunculkan sewaktu waktu disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, baik itu disengaja maupun tidak. Otak dapat diprogram untuk membentuk suasana tertentu dan gambaran apapun yang kita mau, dimasukan ke alam bawah sadar, sehingga wajar saja apabila kita dapat membuat wujud diri sendiri dan dimunculkan dihadapan mata. Kebanyakan para penemu menggunakan cara berpikir seperti ini.
...nah. bagaimana dengan anda? ;D